The most effective and latest remedies for psoriasis

Psoriatic plaques on the skin

To get rid of psoriatic plaques that appear on the head or limbs, surround the body or affect the skin of the face, there are special remedies for psoriasis. Depending on the form of the disease, the severity of the pathology, the presence of concomitant diseases, the general condition of the patient, his age and the individual characteristics of the organism, the choice of medication is made. Not a single remedy for psoriasis out of all the medicines available on the market completely cures the disease. However, this does not mean that the medications are ineffective. The nature of the disease has not yet been fully studied, which is why it is so difficult to choose the necessary drug for treatment, however, making the right choice, patients are able to significantly extend the period of remission.

How to choose an effective remedy for the treatment of psoriasis?

Today, medicine knows about three thousand remedies against psoriasis. All of them are conditionally divided into two large groups:

  • used internally;
  • used externally.

At the first signs of illness, strong medications should not be used. Preference is given to local therapy. It is difficult to say which specific medication will be effective, so it must be prescribed by a dermatologist who observes the patient and has seen the results of his examinations. Each drug for the treatment of psoriasis has its advantages, many also have disadvantages or contraindications for use.

Ointment is the best medicine for psoriasis

All ointments that are produced to remove at least some time the signs of the disease (plaques, itching, redness) are of two types:

  • non-hormonal;
  • hormonal.

The first group of medicines has been known for a long time. These medicines are highly sought after by patients. They do not cause unpleasant side effects, but they are sometimes slow to act. Periods of remission in some patients after treatment with these drugs become increasingly shorter. These non-hormonal remedies for psoriasis include ointments:

  • zinc,
  • salicylic,
  • with vitamin D,
  • solid oil based.

Do you want to remove psoriatic growths in a few days? You will need effective psoriasis remedies that contain hormones. These are modern medicines. They are created on the basis of glucocorticosteroids and can eliminate symptoms in just a few days. However, it is too early to rejoice, because the latest treatments for psoriasis are not as safe as they seem. With prolonged use, they thin the skin, being absorbed into the bloodstream, affecting the liver, kidneys, heart and endocrine system. It is possible that, when taking them, the person may experience itching, skin irritation and notice hypopigmentation more than before.

Creams are effective treatments for psoriasis

The cream works faster than the ointment on the affected area of the skin. Its consistency is lighter, which is why the medicine easily penetrates the skin, reaching the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Just like ointments, they can be hormonal or non-hormonal, but they also have their advantages and numerous disadvantages.

Before you start applying hormonal cream to scaly lichen, you should carefully study the instructions. All side effects are listed there. Unfortunately, they are not uncommon with hormonal cream treatment, but they are an aggravating circumstance.

Non-hormonal creams can be treated with less caution. These medicines do not contain dangerous components, therefore they can be used without risk to other organs and systems. They are made from a base, safe synthetic substances and medicinal herbs that are added to it.

A fairly effective and popular medicine from this category is a cream developed by Chinese pharmacists based on ancient recipes from traditional healers. The medicine is indicated for any form of the disease. Like most Chinese medicines, the medicine consists only of useful components. It is based on Sophora, Amur velvet, lotus, ash and geldichia. The medicine does not contain preservatives, dyes or other chemicals, so it is absolutely harmless. Thanks to its unique formula, the cream stops the rapid division of epidermal cells, thereby transferring the disease to a long-term remission phase. The skin is hydrated and acquires a natural color.

Gels and lotions – in skin care

People with psoriasis need to use special gels and lotions

For patients suffering from psoriasis, it is important not only to receive adequate treatment, but also to take care of their body. It is for this reason that modern products for the care of the scalp, body and face in the form of gels and lotions have appeared on sale. It's no secret that sometimes the disease worsens due to choosing the wrong cosmetic product, which can dry out the skin and cause itching. There are no components that irritate the skin in cosmetic gels produced specifically for patients with lichen planus.

Today, the latest oral gels are being produced. They are capable of eliminating toxins, which are often one of the causes of the development of this dermatological disease. This includes methylsilicic acid hydrogel, which cleanses the liver and kidneys, removing toxic substances from them.

Oils – non-hormonal remedies for psoriasis

For many centuries, humanity has treated various diseases with medicinal oils. These medications are widely used to treat psoriasis. Both special essential oils and edible oils are used for medicinal purposes. When using them, remember that the plant components included in their composition can cause allergic reactions, so any oil should first be tried on healthy skin.

Various oils will help eliminate psoriasis on the body

Oils that can help with treatment:

  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • jasmine;
  • oregano;
  • mint;
  • cedar;
  • bergamot;
  • black cumin;
  • carrots.

The most commonly used edible oils are sea buckthorn and linseed. For scalp treatment, preference is given to burdock oil.

The best homeopathic remedies for psoriasis

Homeopathic medicines are widely used in the fight against psoriatic rashes. They are non-toxic, so they are often recommended for children, pregnant women and patients with health problems. When choosing them as the main means of therapy, you must follow the dosage and take the medicine only after examination by a homeopath and under his constant supervision.

It is impossible to draw a line and say that all the most effective remedies against psoriasis are described here. If these medicines do not have the desired effect on the disease, you can resort to using special shampoos, herbal tinctures and Chinese patches. In some cases, it is necessary to seek help from traditional medicine, which offers quite effective ways to increase the periods of remission of the disease.