How to cure psoriasis: methods for rapid treatment

Common dermatological disease remains to be fully explored, so the question is, how to cure psoriasis is still relevant. Methods of treatment of this pathology every year improved, but to cure psoriasis forever is still considered impossible. Action aimed at achieving control over the disease, decrease exacerbations, and reduce flow.

General recommendations for patients with psoriasis


People who suffer from psoriasis in addition to medication and topical treatment must adhere to many rules in everyday life. A thorough self-care, healthy skin and the affected area will allow you to quickly defeat the disease.

Patients should observe the following recommendations:

  • The skin should always be kept in moist conditions to avoid cracking and infection.
  • With special creams, which must be approved by a doctor, must be removed which leave the crust. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the epidermis and not to provoke a new aggravation.
  • The patient must follow the doctor's orders and report to him if the tool does not help. In the treatment of psoriasis, there is one feature that what works for one person may be useless for another.
  • If a person tries to get rid of the disease himself, he needs to begin therapy with the most simple tools and gradually add complexity to the treatment.
  • All therapeutic measures should be undertaken in accordance with the established timetable.
  • It is impossible to treat severe psoriasis. With the appearance of pain in joints, General signs of discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most often therapy is conducted in a hospital environment.
  • To quickly cure psoriasis, you need to protect the skin from infectious penetration, mechanical damage and other influences. The appearance of any skin, even during remission, as soon as possible to get rid of it.
  • We can not allow excessive exposure of the skin. Despite the fact that treat psoriasis ultraviolet, its excess is harmful to the affected areas.
  • The localization of the disease on the scalp therapeutic activities should be aimed at the skin, not the hair.
  • Nails patients should be bobbed. It is the prevention of destruction of the nail plate.
  • Be careful taking any medications, as some of them considerably worsen psoriasis.
  • In everyday life it should be possible to limit the exposure of the skin to chemicals: household chemicals, cosmetics. If damaged scalp, the shampoos should be made of natural components.
  • Patients should be positive. They should avoid stressful situations and nervous tension.
  • Patients should engage in physical and mental exercises. Follow a healthy lifestyle. Fine, eat a healthy diet, eliminating from the diet.

Local treatment

For rapid treatment of psoriasis are used various ointments. They are the basis of any treatment forms of the disease. The alternative considered all sorts of creams, which are exactly the same.

The use of ointments in various stages of psoriasis is aimed at specific mechanisms of progression of pathology, and therefore external treatment is considered to be pathogenic.

The main effects that have various ointments:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Suppressing excessive regeneration of skin cells;
  • Increase the healing rate of the skin;
  • Removing itching;
  • Antiseptic action.
All means of local treatment of psoriasis are divided into two groups: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal ointments


Used in severe psoriasis as well as have strong anti-inflammatory effect. Often supported by systemic therapy. The peculiarity of hormonal methods – the presence of a large number of side effects.

The main side effects:

  • Increased irritation of the skin.
  • The appearance of eczema;
  • Atrophic changes in the skin;
  • Systemic effects on internal organs (prolonged use);
  • Addictive (this side effect always develops so dramatically to stop using the ointment can not be gradually reduce the frequency and amount).

Despite the aggressiveness of hormonal ointments, sometimes they are necessary. Use of drugs should be under strict medical supervision, observing all its regulations. On the modern pharmaceutical market of hormonal ointments very much, but they all have the same active ingredients.

Non-hormonal ointments

With the help of hormonal ointments can effectively treat psoriasis. Unlike hormones, these preparations have less side effects and are prescribed in all cases of the disease.

The most effective means:

  • Ointment on the basis of salicylic acid. Has a pronounced antiseptic effect. In addition, it is used to lower the degree of peeling. The tool contributes to the backlog of scales.
  • The zinc ointment. Dries the skin, reduces inflammation, possesses adsorbent properties. The tool provides an effective barrier to protect affected areas from external influences.
  • The gel content of the tar. Lubricate plaque with this drug is carefully, every day increasing the dose, since tar is an irritant. In addition, during use of the ointment should avoid sunlight, which can cause allergic reactions.
  • Ointment with vitamin D. the Primary effect – reducing the rate of skin cell division. Used in the stage of progression. Strengthening effect occurs with the simultaneous use of UV lamps. Contraindicated to use along with salicylic ointments.
  • Ointment with the oil component. Remedy for psoriasis reduces itching and promotes exfoliation of scales. Also, the ointment provides an analgesic effect. Use the drug carefully, as he has a lot of side effects.
  • Ointment with vitamins. Such funds have a low efficiency, but are good for mild psoriasis. Have no side effects, have many beneficial effects on the skin and the whole body.
  • Ointment with grease. A very powerful drug which helps to get rid of psoriasis by deep penetration into tissues. Used with caution and in small doses that gradually increase, if the person tolerates the components of the ointment.

Also help in the treatment of psoriasis can medication traditional medicine. In addition to ointments, the application of various lotions, poultices and medicinal baths. However, before testing non-traditional remedy, you should consult with your doctor.

Systemic medications


If local treatment is not enough, additionally prescribe medicines for ingestion. In rare cases, with severe psoriasis the drug is administered parenterally.

The main groups of medicines for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • Antihistamine. Relieve itching, reduce vascular permeability and have an overall anti-allergic effect.
  • Sedative. As a proven mental side of the disease, in the case of pronounced symptoms of neurosis, psycho-emotional stress prescribed anti-anxiety medications. They should provide a mild relaxing effect.
  • Enzymes. In the case of the impact of psoriasis on internal organs, apply replacement therapy.
  • Hepatoprotectors. Not just used to protect the liver from the disease itself, but also as blockers of side effects from other drugs.
  • Detoxification. Deduce harmful substances from the body, promotes more rapid recovery.
  • Antibiotics. Only used if there is joining a secondary infection. For the treatment of disease they are absolutely useless. Data reception means without direct doctor's prescription is prohibited.
  • Corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents. The use of drugs is advisable only in severe psoriasis and in the absence of effect from other types of treatment. The trick is to be fully painted by the doctor. Do not stop taking medicine, because there abstinence syndrome.

Systemically used decoctions of different herbs that have anti-inflammatory effect. Utilize plants that remove toxins that strengthens the body.

Physiotherapy techniques

For the treatment of psoriasis uses a variety of physiotherapy techniques. The most effective are photochemotherapy methods, which include:

  • A UV lamp. Radiation acts on cells of the epidermis and deeper tissues, normalizing the rate of their division, providing anti-inflammatory effect. Reduced immune reactivity in the affected area, which contributes to the rapid regression of psoriasis.
  • PUVA-therapy. Effectively used to treat even severe forms of the disease, but has many side effects.
  • Laser therapy. A relatively new treatment which is aimed effects of ultraviolet light on the affected area of the skin without damaging healthy tissues. The advantage of laser treatment is the almost total lack of side effects.

To use any of the methods of physical therapy alone is not recommended, an experienced doctor can tell what to cure psoriasis in your case. In some cases, the disease arises from excessive sun exposure, therefore, the application of photochemical techniques are strictly contraindicated.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes plazmoforez, which involves the purification of blood using a special apparatus. Used exclusively in a hospital environment and provides high effect. Occurs the excretion of various toxins and unnecessary substances. However, this technique is not conducive to long periods of remission, and therefore used only for very severe psoriasis.

It is also possible the use of acupuncture. It is an ancient Eastern method of treatment of various pathologies, which should be carried out only by a qualified master. The therapeutic effect is not proven, but the positive reviews about her are available.

Of great importance in the treatment of psoriasis has a Spa treatment. Depending on the form of the disease and its peculiarities, the doctor may prescribe various motels. The basis of each of them is health warm climate and the presence of procedures that help relief of psoriasis.

So, how to cure psoriasis forever is impossible, therapy should be aimed at increasing the duration of relapses and to facilitate the flow of pathology and symptoms. The basis for selecting the method of treatment is the individual approach to each case.