Psoriasis: treatment at home

What is psoriasis and how to treat it

Lately, more and more people, disillusioned with drug therapy, looking for the answer to the question of how to treat psoriasis at home folk remedies. The use of traditional medicine does give good results in combating psoriatic lesions, but do not forget that the use of home treatment should be performed only after consultation with a specialist.

What is psoriasis and how to treat it

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that develops on the background of disruption of the normal processes of the organism at the genetic level. The disease can develop under the influence of internal and external precipitating factors. The causes of pathology include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • the weakening of the immune system;
  • heredity;
  • trauma to the skin;
  • frequent neurological disorders.;
  • climate change;
  • the transfer of infectious diseases;
  • long stay under ultraviolet light;
  • hypothermia.

A consequence of the above effects on the body is the formation on the skin red or pink spots with clear boundaries, which are much flakes and itching. Rashes may appear on the body, hands, face, head. In addition, there are such forms of the disease like psoriatic arthritis (joint damage) and nail psoriasis (destruction and deformity of the nail plate).

Causes and treatment of psoriasis is one of the urgent issues today. Every year the disease affects hundreds of people.

Psoriasis treatment at home can be done through various means. These include:

  1. Ointment.
  2. The compresses.
  3. Herbal infusions and decoctions.
  4. Herbal teas.
  5. Baths with the addition of therapeutic products.

All funds are transferred individually for each patient. With great effectiveness medication for one patient, the tool may be useless for another.

Using natural products can effectively treat manifestations of disease on all parts of the body. The main advantage of using traditional medicine is the absence of serious contraindications to the use of a product, a small number of side effects, accessibility and cheapness of the components.

Answering the question of how to cure psoriasis permanently, it is impossible to give a definite answer. With the help of supportive therapy can only prolong the period of remission of disease, but complete cure of the disease impossible.

Thus, how to get rid of psoriasis at home? Only a competent an integrated approach using various methods to help cope with the disease and prevent its complications.

How to treat psoriasis using ointments

The use of ointments is one of the most common types of treatment of the disease. With the help of topical products, the patient can permanently get rid of psoriatic lesions. Ointment of psoriasis can be purchased in a pharmacy or prepared independently.

To popular pharmaceutical remedies include:

  • ointment Colloidin;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • means on the basis of zinc;
  • corticosteroid hormones such as Ftoderm, Tacloox.

At home ointment for the treatment of stains, you can prepare using natural ingredients. Look at some popular tools.

Remedy based on propolis and sea buckthorn oil

Remedy based on propolis and sea buckthorn oil

Answering the question of how to treat psoriasis on the body, proponents of folk medicine recommend the use of propolis ointment. Preparing the tool is very simple. For this purpose 100 g of propolis placed in a water bath until it is tender. After cooling add 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil and mix thoroughly. After complete cooling ointment applied to the affected areas of skin 1-2 times a day.

Ointment using birch tar

How to cure psoriasis correctly without harm to health? Numerous amounts of positive feedback received funds on the basis of birch tar. Thus, how to cure psoriasis with tar? For the treatment of disease using birch, pine and juniper tar. For the preparation of ointments you can use any. 100 g of tar mixed with two tbsp of vaseline or regular baby oil, thoroughly mixed. The resulting ointment is applied on the cleansed skin several times per day.

How to treat psoriasis of the head

Next, try to figure out how to treat psoriasis on the head and body at home. The peculiarity of the disease on the scalp is that treating rashes quite difficult due to the presence of hair. It also increases the risk of secondary bacterial and fungal infection.

Psoriasis on the head responds well to treatment with shampoos and Soaps. For this purpose, the following pharmaceutical vehicles:

  • friderm tar;
  • nizoral;
  • tar baths;
  • algopix.

A great exfoliating effect has a coal-tar soap, which can be purchased in every pharmacy. This method is safe and can be used even among children.

Mask from psoriasis on the head

How to treat psoriasis of the skin in the area of hair growth? Excellent anti-inflammatory and exfoliating action has a mask with honey and aloe. For the manufacture of drugs need to mix 3 tbsp of honey and the same amount of aloe Vera pulp. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied on the entire affected area of the skin. Mask time is about half an hour, then the hair was washed with warm water and soap.

How to fight the disease with herbs

How to fight the disease with herbs

Herbal medicine plays a role in the treatment of such common skin diseases as psoriasis. Thus, how to treat psoriasis on the skin and what kind of grass it is recommended to use?

Many medicines have powerful anti-inflammatory, exfoliating, anti-microbial, soothing, healing effect. A treatment used by many plants separately, as well as the collection of medicinal herbs.

What are the most effective herbs for psoriasis

Answering the question of how psoriasis is treated with the help of herbs it is necessary to highlight some of the most popular plants.

  1. Sedum - contributes to the normalization of the trophic tissue, heals the skin, accelerates its regeneration. Stonecrop is applied in the form of compresses. For this tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, the received solution moisten a gauze bandage and apply to the affected areas.
  2. Aloe - reduces inflammation, disinfects, moisturizes and restores damaged layers of the dermis. For getting rid of rashes the juice of the plant, moisten a cotton pad, then apply it as a compress on the plaque.
  3. Cassia acicular - has antimicrobial and astringent action. Herb brewed as a tea and drink 1 - 2 cups a day.
  4. Calendula - relieves irritation, eliminates inflammation, disinfects wounds. To eliminate the psoriatic spots calendula pour the alcohol (1 part herb and 3 parts of alcohol), tincture insist 10-12 days, after which the medicine to wipe the plaque 3-4 times a day.
  5. Chamomile - antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory actions. Chamomile is taken internally as a tea and also used for making poultices.
  6. Celandine is a very popular plant to treat many skin diseases. Celandine has antiseptic, disinfectant action, nourishes the skin with vitamins, tannins, restores. Celandine removes from psoriatic plaques, removes flaking, itching, redness. The grass used in the form of decoctions for baths and local compresses.

It must be remembered that the use of medicinal plants may lead to development of allergies. At the beginning of the treatment to verify in the absence of Allergy to a particular plant.

Bath for psoriasis

Bath for psoriasis

Many patients are interested in whether you can take the bathroom if skin rash appears on the body and how to treat psoriasis with baths? To add to the water is recommended to add components that have soothing, antiseptic, disinfectant action.

The use of soda

Soda baths can be taken in combination with drug therapy. To eliminate the main manifestations of the disease and cleanse the skin in warm water dissolve 200 g of product. The bath water should not be too hot. Optimal temperature is 38 to 39 degrees. The procedure time should be 20-25 minutes.

The use of sea salt

Treatment with salt is carried out in the same way with soda. In the bathing water add 200 - 250 g of product. After bathing it is recommended to rinse with clean water, as salt can dry and pull the skin. To mitigate the plaques after the procedure, you should treat them with a fat cream.

Herbal teas

Herbs for baths are used in the form of decoctions. Plants can be used individually, and combined. Consider a few popular recipes:

  1. Take 3 tbsp. l. chamomile, calendula, yarrow, wormwood and nettles, pour the ingredients in 6 litres of water, boil medium for 30-40 minutes on low heat. Then the broth is filtered and added to the water for swimming.
  2. 3 art. L. celandine brew liter of boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. After the decoction infuse for 2-3 hours, it is added to the bathroom.
  3. The kidneys and birch leaves 200 g pour three liters of water, simmered for half an hour on medium low heat, then strain and used for baths.

It is important to note that the use of medicinal herbs and infusions should be discussed with your doctor. Self-medication in case of severe course of the disease may not only give results, but to provoke complications of the disease.

Other tools for home treatment

A popular method of therapy in the home is using activated carbon. Thus, how to treat psoriasis activated charcoal? The use of sorbents gives excellent results in fighting many skin conditions. Sorbents help cleanse the body, facilitate metabolic processes, which is very important for the treatment of psoriasis. Activated carbon is applied when the disease in two ways:

  1. Internal method - the course of treatment can last from 15 to 40 days. Dose of activated carbon is calculated as follows: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body Weight. The resulting number is divided into 3 equal parts, take the medicine 3 times a day in equal time.
  2. External use - 5 tablets of activated charcoal should be crushed and mix with one tablespoon of water. The resulting mixture was applied on the rashes, leave it for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated once a day for 7-12 days.

In this type of treatment to verify in the absence of contraindications for use of the drug.

Another method of treatment is the application of compresses on the basis of Apple cider vinegar. This vinegar is diluted with water in 1:1 ratio, in the received solution moisten a gauze bandage and apply it on the affected areas of the skin. Compress time - 10-15 minutes. If you feel discomfort, burning sensation, and session time reduced to 5 minutes.

Well established egg ointment. For cooking take the yolks of hard-boiled eggs that needed frying on a hot pan to release oily liquid. It is used for the treatment of plaques.

Psoriasis treatment using traditional methods can not replace a full-fledged drug therapy, however, the proper use of the gifts of nature will help much faster to cope with the disease and to maintain remission for a long time.